AB I/O模块概览,罗克韦尔输入/输出模块信息短路和断线的点输出故障状态诊断对选定模块进行现场诊断可选择直接连接或机架优化通信用于安全应用项目的 POINT Guard I/O™ 模块可配置的模块每个点可配置为直流输入或输出采用 DeviceLogix™ 技术1734 POINT I/O 模拟量模块
AB I/O模块概览,罗克韦尔输入/输出模块信息
由于具有模块化设计,您可以独立选择 I/O、端子类型和网络接口
全面的诊断和可配置功能使得 POINT I/O™ 十分易于应用
通过带电插拔 (RIUP),可在系统运行期间更换模块
自动设备更换 (ADR) 功能可缩短停机时间
利用 Studio 5000™ Logix Designer 应用程序中的用户自定义配置文件,可顺利集成到集成架构系统中
1734 POINT I/O 数字量模块
每个模块zui多有 8 个单端输入或输出
1734 POINT I/O 特殊模块
地址预留 (ARM) 模块
通过 IO 链路主模块支持连接到启用了 IO 链路的设备
用于安全应用项目的 POINT Guard I/O™ 模块
采用 DeviceLogix™ 技术
1734 POINT I/O 模拟量模块
AB I/O模块概览,罗克韦尔输入/输出模块信息
1734-232ASC Point I/O RS232 ASCII Interface
1734-48SC RS485/422 ASCII Interface
1734-ACNR 24V Dc Controlnet Adapter
1734-ADN 24V Dc Devicenet Adapter
1734-ADNX 24V Dc Devicenet Adapter With Subnet Expansion
1734-AENT 1-Port EtherNet I/O Adapter Module
1734-AENTR 2-Port EtherNet I/O Adapter Module
1734-APB Point Profibus W/24Vdc Ps
1734-ARM Address Reserve Module
1734-EP24DC 24V DC Power/Bus Extension Module
1734-EPAC 120V AC Power/Bus Extension Module
1734-FPD Field Potential Distributor
1734-IA2 120 Vac 2 Channel Input Module
1734-IA4 120 Vac 4 Channel Input Module
1734-IB2 24V Dc 2 Channel Sink Input Module
1734-IB4 24V Dc 4 Channel Sink Input Module
1734-IB4D 24V Dc 4 Channel Sink Diagnostics Input Module
1734-IB8 24V Dc 8 Channel Sink Input Module
1734-IE2C 24V Dc 2 Channel Analog Current Input Module
1734-IE2V 24V Dc 2 Channel Analog Voltage Input Module
1734-IE4C 24V Dc 4 Channel High Density Analog Current Input Module
1734-PDN Devicenet Interface Module
1734-RTB Replacement IEC Screw Terminal Block
1734-RTB3 Replacement 12 Position IP20 Screw Terminal Block
1734-RTB3S Replacement 12 Position IP20 Spring Terminal
1734-VHSC5 5 Vdc Very High Speed Counter With Source Outputs
1734-IE8C 24V Dc 8 Channel High Density Analog Current Input Module
1734-IJ 5 Vdc Incremental Encoder Module
1734-IK 24 Vdc Incremental Encoder Module
1734-IR2 24V Dc 2 Channel RTD Input Module
1734-IR2E 24V Dc 2 Channel RTD Input Module
1734-IT2I 24V Dc 2 Channel Thermocouple Input Module
1734-IV4 24V Dc 4 Channel Source Input Module
1734-IV8 24V Dc 8 Channel Source Input Module
1734-OA2 120/230 Vac 2 Channel Output Module
1734-OA4 120/230 Vac 4 Channel Output Module
1734-OB2 24V Dc 2 Channel Source Output Module
1734-OB2EP 24V Dc 2 Amp 2 Channel Source Output Module,
1734-RTBCJC Repl Screw Term Blk CJC Repl Screw Term Blk CJC
1734-RTBS Replacement IEC Spring Terminal Block
1734-SSI SSI Absolute Encoder Interface
1734-TB Module Bases W/ Removable IEC Screw Terminals
1734-TB3 12-Position IP20 Screw Terminal Bases (Qty 10)
1734-TB3S 12-Position IP20 Spring Ternimal Bases (Qty 10)
1734-TBCJC Screw Terminal Base CJC Spring Terminal Base CJC
1734-TBS Module Bases W/ Removable IEC Spring Terminals
1734-TOP POINT I/O One-piece Terminal Base with Screw Clamp, 8 Terminations
1734-TOP3 POINT I/O One-piece Terminal Base with Screw Clamp, 12 Terminations
1734-TOP3S POINT I/O One-piece Terminal Base with Spring Clamp, 12 Terminations
1734-TOPS POINT I/O One-piece Terminal Base with Spring Clamp, 8 Terminations
1734-VHSC24 24 Vdc Very High Speed Counter With Source Electronically Protected
1734-OB4 24V Dc 4 Channel Source Output Module
1734-OB4E 24V Dc 4 Channel Source Output Module, Electronically Protected
1734-OB8 24V Dc8 Channel Source Output Module
1734-OB8E 24V Dc8 Channel Source Output Module, Electronically Protected
1734-OE2C 24V Dc 2 Channel Analog Current Output Module
1734-OE2V 24V Dc 2 Channel Analog Voltage Output Module
1734-OE4C 24V Dc 4 Points Analog Current Output Module
1734-OV4E 24V Dc 4 Channel Sink Output Module, Electronically Protected
1734-OV8E 24V Dc 8 Channel Sink Output Module, Electronically Protected
1734-OW2 24V DC 2 Point N.O. SPST Relay Output Module
1734-OW4 24V DC 4 Point N.O. SPST Relay Output Module
1734-OX2 24V DC 2 Point N.O/N.C. Dpst Relay Output Module